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In essentially all of these cases, the pregnancies are wanted (as indicated by the fact that they chose not to have an abortion previously) and parents either wish to not lose the mother in the process of having the child, spare their child severe suffering and pain from the process of birth and dying slowly afterwards, or do not wish to bring a severely mentally and/or physically disabled child into the world. Most abortions that are due to unwanted pregnancies happen long before that time, which is within the currently legal window (in most of the US from my understanding, I not American).. cheap wigs human hair Lace Wigs Andy is active in the community. He serves on the town council, sings in the civic choir, judges a beauty contest, and acts in a Founders Day pageant. One error here in Andy's community service is his being both the elected sheriff and a town councilmember; under North Carolina law he could not do both. Lace Wigs cheap wigs human hair Not sure if I be watching. 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